If you keep in touch with family and friends through the postal service or email, you probably have received or sent
a change of address notice. It goes something like this: “I will no longer be receiving mail at _____________. My new address will be _____________. Thank you for making a note of this change.”
Paul reminded the believers in Colosse that they had “a change of address” and that they should share it with others. They had been moved from one community and “transferred” or transplanted, by the grace of God, into a new community. They had been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and been brought into the kingdom of Jesus (1:13). Their old address was sinner@kingdomofdarkness. But when they became followers of Jesus, their new address became saved@kingdomofHisdearSon.
In Philippians 3:20, Paul declared that all believers are citizens of heaven and should live worthy of their new address. He encouraged the Christians in Colosse to walk in wisdom toward those who were outside the faith so that people could see and hear about the changes (Col. 4:5-6).
If you have had “a change of address,” tell someone about what Jesus has done in you.
Born of the flesh, conceived in sin; then born of the Spirit, new life to begin; I’ve been washed in Christ’s blood and this will suffice; raise God I’m His child, I’ve been born twice! —Brandt
When you are born again, you become a citizen of heaven.