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    5 Ways to Fight Procrastination

    I’m a procrastinator. It’s been a battle since birth. In fact, I even delayed my birth: I refused to get into the proper position for delivery

    When I Died to Myself At Work

    Several weeks ago, my church mate commented about the attitude of an intern working in her organization. Whenever he did not know how to do something, she said, he would keep quiet instead of seeking help, or say that it could not be done.

    Whatever You Do

    God reveals Himself to us, and we are to mirror Him. He created, and at the end He said, “It was good.” So whatever it is that you do—do it well. Do it with purpose. Do it for Him. And at the end of the day, you can say, “It was good.”

    The Blacksmith and the King

    In 1878, when Scotsman Alexander Mackay arrived in what is now Uganda to serve as a missionary, he first set up a blacksmith forge among a tribe ruled by King Mutesa. Villagers gathered around this stranger who worked with his hands, puzzled because everyone “knew” that work was for women. At that time, men in Uganda never worked with their hands. They raided other villages to capture slaves, selling them to outsiders. Yet here was this foreign man at work forging farming tools.

    Mackay’s work ethic and life resulted in relationships with the villagers and gained him an audience with the…

    Job Hunting: Are You Relying on Yourself or God?

    “You are the future generation and you can change the world.” So we are told repeatedly in university, and it is with this mindset that we enter the working world as bright-eyed fresh graduates, full of hope and expectation. But the reality is quite different.

    The Importance of How

    While attending Bible college, my friend Charlie and I worked for a furniture store. We often made deliveries accompanied by an interior decorator who talked with the people who had purchased the furniture while we brought it from the truck into the house. Sometimes we had to carry the furniture up several flights of stairs in an apartment building. Charlie and I often wished we had the decorator’s job instead of ours!

    During Israel’s 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, three clans from the priestly tribe of Levi—the Kohathites, Gershonites, and Merarites—were assigned the job of transporting the Tent of…

    A Tribute to My Mother

    My mother is one of the most amazing women I know. After my father died in 2011, she remained strong for the sake of her three children, making and selling Indonesian desserts known as “Lapet” and “Es Buah” to support us.

    Should Christians Strive For Excellence At Work?

    I enjoy work—both work itself and the act of working in a team towards a common goal and then enjoying the fruit of our labor together. In fact, depending on who you ask, I may even be a little too passionate (or obsessed) about getting the job done, and done well.

    When Money is Never Enough

    After completing my Master’s degree in Kuala Lumpur, I decided to stay and work in the Malaysian capital instead of returning to my hometown in East Malaysia. There, I took on two jobs. On weekdays, I worked as a full-time secretary at a real estate firm, and on Saturdays, as an English teacher at a language center.

    5 Things I Learned When I Couldn’t Find A Job

    I was unemployed for almost a whole year. Over that period, I faced rejection after rejection, so much so that I grew accustomed to disappointment. At the time, I kept asking myself this question: what am I going to do with my life?

    Leaping From the Enclosure

    The African impala is a deerlike creature that can jump to a height of 3 meters (nearly 10 feet) and cover a distance greater than 11 meters (36 feet) in one bound. Yet the impala can be kept in a zoo enclosure with just a 1-meter-high wall. Why? Because it isn’t tall enough to peer over the barrier, and it won’t jump if it can’t see where its feet will land.

    3 Work Realities We’re Bound to Face

    I read about 10-15 resumes a day as a recruitment manager in my company, which engages around a hundred part-time trainers monthly. Many of them begin or end with this line: “I hope you can seriously consider my application as this is my dream job.”

    When Trials Come: Fight or Flight?

    I have a tendency to take on more than I should. At times, it’s to prove to myself that I can handle it. At other times, it’s to please someone and gain recognition for my efforts. This sometimes leads to stress and in a worst-case scenario, depression.

    Truth-telling and the workplace

    We see it all the time, advertisements for products with misleading information and guarantees built on false promises. Don’t miss this thought-provoking conversation as we conclude our series on “Faith at Work”!

    How can we use the wealth God has given us?

    The Bible makes it clear that God calls us to offer care and compassion for the poor. The Old Testament prophets were burdened for the poor. In fact, Isaiah told God’s people that it was better to help the needy than to fast.

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