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    Comfort Those Struggling With Grief

    Comfort Those Struggling With Grief

    Supporting your ministry

    Whether you’re an individual seeking to share the Good News at your workplace, or a church looking for resources to share at your ministries or events, we would love to partner you!

    Are you serving, evangelising, teaching, and discipling others?

    Our resources offer insightful teaching to help you in your ministry and discipleship, and to gain a deep understanding of biblical and theological issues.

    Are you seeking to walk more closely with God?

    Want to dig deeper into His Word? Our resources help you gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and guide you in applying its truths to your life.

    Are you starting a journey with Jesus?

    We have resources that help new believers begin their walk with God, gain a deeper understanding of His Word, and learn to live out the faith.

    Are you investigating the claims of the Christian faith?

    Or seeking to challenge others to take the step of faith? We have materials that explain the gospel, address your questions about Christianity, and tackle faith issues.

    Do you have questions about Christianity?

    Do you want to find out what Christianity is all about? Or are you looking to share your faith with those with little knowledge of God? Our resources introduce the Christian faith in a friendly, engaging way. Find answers to difficult questions and address your felt needs and life issues.

    How Can I Break The Silence

    Why do I hesitate to pass along the best news I have ever heard? Is there anything that will help me to do the very thing...

    When Tragedy Strikes

    The world changed that day for all of us. And not just for those in the US. Terrorists served noticed on 9/11 that there is no place on earth...

    The Failure of Success - The Story of Jonah

    Is there an absolute standard for success and failure? Do we win or do we lose when our accomplishments cost more than we can afford...

    Self Esteem

    Having a healthy and realistic opinion of yourself is a key element in your ability to succeed in life. In this booklet, author Mart De Haan shares a biblical perspective on the importance of self-esteem to help you gain a better understanding of whose opinion really counts in life. Discover what it means to trust the counsel, love, and power…

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